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Looking Forward

What's beyond the horizon?

The best way to predict the future is to create it

What does your future look like?

UPDATE: Sadly, we have had to cancel the Looking Forward project. This has nothing to do with the quality of the submissions; it was inspiring to see what you all came up with! Ultimately I am simply not able to give the time and attention to this project that your excellent work deserves.

Janus Books wants your poetry, short stories, essays, photography, and visual art on the theme of Looking Forward.

Submissions are now closed.

The deadline of Dec. 15th has passed. We are reviewing the submissions now. Details to follow.

As 2020 draws to a close, it's important to think about the future. What are you looking forward to? What social and cultural changes do you want to see? What amazing new discoveries and inventions are coming? What bold new future can you imagine? What future are you going to create?

"Looking Forward" is an 80 page Risograph printed publication that we will be releasing in January. Contributors will be paid and a portion of the proceeds will be going to a local charity.

Personal stories. Grand visions. Radical manifestos.

We want to hear your voice!

Contributors whose submissions are published will be compensated according to the following schedule. All contributors will also receive 2 complementary copies of the publication.

Short Stories 5 cents per word
5 cents per word
50 cents per line (minimum $10)
$15 per page
Visual Art
$15 per page
Art Featured on Cover

Deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2020.

Please send submissions to

Questions and Answers

Q. Can I contribute? 

We welcome submissions from anyone and everyone! We are particularly interested in submissions from youth, unpublished writers, and marginalized voices. We will be prioritizing local voices and those with a Guelph connection. We can't wait to see what you send us!

Q. But I'm still in high-school or university. I've never had anything published before. Are you sure I can contribute? 

Yes, absolutely! We can't wait to see what you come up with! There are no pre-requisites or requirements. We want to hear what you have to say!

Q. I've got something to submit, but it's a bit rough. Do you still want to see it?

Yes, send it in! We're happy to take a look and help in any way we can.

Q. I'd like to submit a one-act play, doodle, song lyric, schematic, journal entry, monologue, comic strip, sheet music or something I can't quite describe ... is that okay? 

Yes, absolutely! Break the boxes, give us what you've got!

Q. What is Risograph printing? 

The Risograph is a stencil duplicator; sort of a cross between screen printing and photocopying. Riso prints are known for their bright, vibrant colours. If you are submitting art or photography, please familiarize yourself with the Risograph printing process: there are some quirks that will affect how your work is reproduced.

An Introduction to Risograph Printing is a good place to start. There are lots of other resources out there, and we are happy to help you adapt your art to the Risograph printing process! If you want to see examples of Risograph printing in person, please stop by the store and we can show you some examples.

Q. How big is the publication? What are the dimensions? 

We are planning on printing a 8" x 5" perfect bound publication of 80 pages or so.

Q. Who retains the copyright? Can I republish? 

You, the author, will retain copyright of your submission. We are licensing it for this project only.

Q. I'd like to buy a copy! What will that cost? 

Our target price is between $20 and $25. Our goal is keep the final price as affordable as possible, while still paying contributors as much as we can. We will be happy to break even on this project -- the lion's share of the revenues will be going to the contributors, local charities and printing costs.

Q. Can I pre-order?

We will be adding that option shortly! Check back soon.

Q. What are other ways I can support this project financially?

We will not be selling advertisement space, but we are open to sponsorship. If you're interested in supporting this project financially, contact us at and we can discuss this.

Q. What file formats can you accept? Can I send you a Word document, PDF, etc?

We can accept most standard file formats. We'll let you know if we're having trouble reading your file. 

Q. I have a question that wasn't answered. How can I get more info?

Please comment below, find us on Facebook, or email us at